Devil on the Deep Blue Sea: The Notorious Career of Captain Sam Hill of Boston
“Mary Malloy’s SAM HILL is a tour de force -- a fascinating, highly readable, and meticulously researched portrait of an extraordinary American mariner and his age. Highly recommended.”
— Nathaniel Philbrick
Winner of the 2006 John Lyman Book Award
Souvenirs of the Fur Trade: Northwest Coast Indian Art and Artifacts Collected by American Mariners
1788 - 1884
“Malloy draws upon both museum records and ethnohistorical documentation, thoroughly examined and interpreted in new ways. The precise, non-judgmental description of obscure collections data, much of it made more widely accessible here for the first time, will be especially pertinent to scholars of the subject.”
— American Antiquity
"Boston Men" On the Northwest Coast: The American Maritime Fur Trade
1788 - 1844
“An impressive work of painstaking scholarship, “Boston Men” on the Northwest Coast is a seminal reference work... a superb and valued contribution to the growing body of American maritime history.”
-- Great Circle
A Bookwatch “American History Shelf” selection.